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Hosted By the Oklahoma Cross Country Racing Association

Round 3 of the 2021 OCCRA Race Series is scheduled for March 27-28 near Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Classes range from Novice to Pro. Event is open to both dirt bikes and quads!

Gate fee is $10/carload. Fee covers spectators and primitive camping.

Race entry fees vary. Membership is required which can be purchased online. Cost is $30/individual or $50/family.

  • Long Course Bike or Quad - $40
  • AA Bike or Quad - $60
  • Trail Rider Class - $20
  • All Short Course - $20
  • Team - $70
  • *Late Entry Fee: $5
  • *Late fee charged if you register after the first long course race starts on Sunday (to avoid late fee register before 1pm on Sunday).

For more information e-mail occraweb@gmail.com or call (405) 390-5227.

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